Archive for februarie, 2011

My Beloved

You’re My Beloved
You’re My Bride
To sing over you is My delight
Come away with Me My love

Under My mercy
Come and wait
Till we are standing face to face
I see no stain on you
My child

You’re Beautiful to Me
So Beautiful to Me

I sing over you My song of peace
Cast all your care down at My feet
Come and find your rest in Me

I’ll breathe My life inside of you
I’ll bear you up on eagle’s wings
And hide you in the shadow of My strength
I’ll take you to My quiet waters
I’ll restore your soul
Come rest in Me and be made whole

You’re My beloved
You’re My Bride
To sing over you is my delight
Come away with me my love


I close my eyes
Everything disappears with Your smile
I raise my hands
On a cliff I stand
Arms open wide
You’re the Father, I’m the child
You whisper to me:
Step off the edge–
Leave it all behind, Leave it all behind!
Cut loose, cut loose the ties…
Let go, let go!
Far way too long I’ve settled for these lies
When so much more has been waiting on the other side.
I think it’s time we cross this river so wide
Leave these shores, step off the edge
Leave it all behind, leave it all behind!
Cut loose, cut loose the ties
Let go, LET GO!!!!!!!
Leave the ground, leave the ground!
This is what you, you were meant to FLY!
Through the wind in the trees~
Through the wind, through the wind in the trees!
Through the wind, through the wind in the trees

Oh, the leaves are dancing
Oh, the leaves are dancing
Healing, healing, healing
Healing power is coming down
Healing power is coming down
Healing sound, the healing sound is coming down

It’s just me and You
It’s just me and You, Papa
It’s just me and You in this place,
It’s just me and You and Your face
I can’t hear any other voices but Yours, but Yours.
It’s just me and You, God.
It’s just me and You, God.

What I once was, what I once was
I’ll never be again!
I’m becoming the dream, the dream of God…
Eden, the Garden is right here, right now!

All I can see is Your smiling, smiling over me, oh God. Love. It’s beautiful.


Eroul ranilor mele

Fiecare rana in parte a primit atentia Ta, chiar daca nici una nu a fost facuta din cauza Ta, Te-ai aplecat asupra fiecareia, ai mangaiat, ai spalat, ai lipit la loc ceea ce a fost rupt, cu imbratisarea Ta, ai luat in brate toate ranile mele, rani de care nu esti Tu de vina. Ai fost singura sansa pentru aceste rani ca sa fie tratate, cei care le-au facut in marea majoritate nu si-au revendicat niciodata aceste rani, si nici nu cred ca au de gand sa faca asta vreodata, nici macar nu stiu ce ravagii au lasat in urma, nu s-au intors sa vindece ceea ce au distrus, Tu ai fost singura sansa. Ciudat, straniu si bizar, desi am stiut teoretic ca Tu esti vindecarea ranilor mele, din instinct m-am temut sa te las sa le atingi. Desi am stiut teoretic ca nu vei apasa pe rana sa imi provoci durere, obisnuit cu obisnuinta oamenilor de a lovi, m-am temut. Speriat de aceasta realitate mi-am cerut iertare ca inconstient te-am bagat in aceeasi oala cu ei. Tu esti Eroul ranilor mele, pentru ca nu ai scapat niciuna din vedere, si ca un Prieten Adevarat te ocupi de ele, pana nu mai sangereaza, pana nu mai dor. Iti multumesc ca ai mers pana acolo incat sa iei aceste rani asupra Ta. Iti multumesc Eroul meu, Eroul ranilor mele!!!

Ratele si biserica

Era un oraş al raţelor. În fiecare duminică dimineaţa raţele plecau, legănându-se de pe un picior pe altul, la biserică. Pătrundeau legănându-se în sanctur şi se aşezau pe bănci. Corul raţelor intra legănându-se şi îşi lua locul în strană. Intra apoi predicatorul legănându-se şi el pe cele lăbuţe. Răţoiul ordinat deschidea Biblia raţelor (Raţele, se pare că aveau şi ele ca toate celelalte creaturi ale pământului, versiunea lor a Bibliei). După ce citea, începea predica: “Iubitele mele raţe! Dumnezeu ne-a dat aripi! Aripi cu care putem zbura! Cu ele ne putem ridica sus de tot în văzduh şi să plutim ca vulturii. Nici un zid nu ne poate ţine prizoniere! Nici un gard nu ne poate împiedica! Avem aripi! Dumnezeu ne-a dat aripi şi putem zbura ca păsările cerului!”

Toate raţele măcăiau din răsputeri: “Amin! Amin!” După care plecau legănându-se pe cele două lăbuţe spre casele lor.

Cu aceeaşi înţelepciune de raţă, auzim duminică de duminică despre potenţialul nostru în Christos. Zicem entuziaşti: Amin! Amin! şi ne întoarcem legănându-ne la ale noastre. Şi nu zburăm.

Parabola luata de pe

Isus si pricina de poticnire

Matei 15

10. Isus a chemat multimea la Sine si a zis: „Ascultati si intelegeti:

11. Nu ce intra in gura spurca pe om; ci ce iese din gura, aceea spurca pe om.”

12. Atunci ucenicii Lui s-au apropiat si I-au zis: „Stii ca fariseii au gasit pricina de poticnire in cuvintele pe care le-au auzit?”

13. Drept raspuns, El le-a zis: „Orice rasad pe care nu l-a sadit Tatal Meu cel ceresc va fi smuls din radacina.

14. Lasati-i: sunt niste calauze oarbe; si cand un orb calauzeste pe un alt orb, vor cadea amandoi in groapa.”

Vezi raspunsul lui Isus in urma acuzatiei ca ar fi pricina de poticnire. Asta e modelul, el poate fi adaptat, dar la urma urmei Cel perfect a ales sa raspunda asa si nu s-a lansat intr-o mie de explicatii sa calmeze nervii religiosilor.

We’re in the Year of the Lion – We’re Coming to Authority (Bob Jones)

The Year of the Ox, The Year of the Eagle, The Year of the Lion and the Year of the Man

I think many of you have heard me share about what started in ’09 with the year of the ox; and ’09 was a very tough plowing year. I’m coming out of Ezekiel 1, which is a prophecy that He gave me. So ’09, the ox plowed all year not knowing why. ’10 is the year of the eagle, so every one of you have got all the seed you ever need to sow. You should sow it every place you go; re-sow it in your family, re-sow it in restaurants, re-sow it in churches, and re-sow it every place you go, for your seed will never run out.

I’ve noticed that some seeds that I sowed 30 or 35 years ago looked like they were never going to sprout, but in the last year these people that I sowed it into have come to salvation. So once you sow the seed of God, it whirls around people in this earth forever – so sow it. It may lay under the clod for many, many years, but things will take place in peoples’ lives before that seed gets alive; so don’t quit sowing, don’t get discouraged, keep going.

The Year of the Eagle will end on September the 10th, for I go with the Lord’s calendar, which the Jews claim is theirs; but it’s really not theirs, it’s the Lord’s. On September the 10th, the New Year begins. It’s the Year of the Lion, so it’s time that the Lion begins to roar. When the lion roars, he roars into the earth; he doesn’t roar into the air, he roars into the earth. He says, „This is my territory,” and the vibrations will go out for miles and miles.

So, we’re coming to the Year of the Lion. We’re coming to authority. Get ready to see authority like you haven’t seen before. So don’t quit, keep that faith going, keep that petition going, because I think the year of the authority is when the Word comes into you from the heart of the Father into your spirit man, your conscience, and you begin to proclaim it, you begin to roar: „This is my land, I’m going to take it back. This is my land, I’m going to heal it.”

So, what is the year after that? It is the Year of the Man, going forth with the nature of the ox, the seed of the eagle and the authority of the lion, carrying it to the entire earth. All the next and last – ’09, ’10, ’11, ’12 – is about bringing in laborers for the harvest. So, we’re in the time that… we’re in the greatest change that’s ever been, also is Israel, so keep praying for Israel continually.

The Keys of the Kingdom, the Keys of Change

And what He was showing me yesterday, we’re in the time of Isaiah 22, and Isaiah 22 is not only the keys of the Kingdom, it is the keys of change. Sheba was the one in charge of Israel and also the treasurer. One of the things he did is he built him a huge tomb of the treasure. He wasn’t going to need it because he was going to die in a foreign land and not even be buried, because he wasn’t devoting his time to the main purpose called for Israel.

Now it’s going to come forth, Elohim. Elohim means „father of the remnant.” Get ready for fathers and mothers/lionesses, to come forth with the keys of the Kingdom. Those keys of the Kingdom are to unlock the Kingdom of God in you. This is the year of the Kingdom that is going to be unlocked in you. This is the year the roar of the lion is going to roar into you and unlock what’s in you so that the Kingdom of God that’s within can come forth and begin to see the authority of the lion.

One of the ways that the lion and lionesses are going to do this is – we have the fathers and mothers that are going to come forth now. There are those that have worshiped the Lord in their spirit man (Romans 1:9). I serve the Lord in my spirit, not in my head. I think it’s time that we quit trying to serve Him in our head and obey Him in our conscience and our spirit man and tell our head to obey that.

It’s the year that it’s going to come forth. So, those that do serve the Lord in their spirit in Romans 1:11 can impart – get ready for impartation like you’ve never seen before. Get ready for corporate impartation, which literally unlocks you to where you come into a new liberty and a new freedom, where you realize „who you really are.”

The Kingdom is in you. Religious spirits and other things have kept you locked up. This is the year you get loose. The real fathers and mothers are coming forth to the front now. Their only love will be to unlock you, to release you to where you can see the Kingdom of God coming forth in power on a level you’ve never seen before, a preparation for one of the greatest harvests that will ever be. So, this is what’s getting ready to take place – is a total change. We’ve never been this way before. But we’re getting ready to see a change and we need it; it’s going to happen. So it’s been in the works for over three years. Get ready to see the change in you.

Get Ready for the Authority of the Lion

For anything that He did down here, if I by the finger of God cast satan out, then the Kingdom of God has come. Get ready for the finger of God in you to begin to cast satan out of the church, out of your families, out of your cities, out of your nations. Get a big vision, because all of this is preparation for the greatest harvest of all time, which will be over a billion souls. So, this change is in Isaiah 22:22, with the whole chapter of Isaiah 22, which is getting ready simply like this – the Father has been speaking to every one of you continually. You’ve had it locked up. You were afraid to speak it because religion has kept you bound. Get ready to get set free. Get ready to begin to speak what’s in you and get ready to see the authority.

So, this September conference (which was last year), I think is when you’re going to hear the roaring of the lions taking back the land that was rightfully yours to begin with. So, every one of you get a vision, that I have got the same thing in me; the same seed that comes from the Father is in me that was in Him when He came here, and I’m going to quit limiting God. I think one of the worst things you can do in this coming season is to try to limit Him. Don’t put a limit on it, for I don’t think any of us knows how far this is going to go. But I do know this: You’re going to get unlocked. You’re going to come forth with a new liberty and a new freedom you never thought you had, and you’re going to speak it into things that create it.

So, this is part of the change, and you’re getting ready to see real leaders of the Church, both men and women, which are all lions. Some of you lionesses out there, if you study, the lionesses are the ones that take more prey than the lion at times. You lionesses get ready to take the prey, get ready to lead people to the Lord. Of course, the lions too. But I think you’re getting ready to hear that roar that vibrates the earth itself. The earth itself has been waiting for that so that it can be restored. So this is one of the things He showed me: Get ready for the authority of the lion.

Video AICI

Dream: What Time is It?

A Stunning Dream Experience in Melbourne, Australia:

Background: I had been ministering in Melbourne, Australia, at a wonderful church and conference. There was a lot of swirl in the Holy Spirit and a lot of movement concerning transition. The conference called Deeper was now over and I was to do a closing session with the host church on Sunday evening. I went to the hotel suite to lay down for a while that afternoon and was praying in the Spirit to charge my battery for the evening. I was pondering what the Lord had for these precious people „down under” for my closing session with them.

I actually did not even know I was asleep – let alone that I was dreaming. It was all so real to me… So even in conveying this – it is hard to relate to this as just a dream – it was more like an encounter.

In the dream, the phone in the LIVING ROOM rang. I rose up out of the bedroom where I was lying down resting. I walked into the room and I picked up the phone. In a rather hoarse voice I said, „What time is it?” All of a sudden the plasma television screen – which I had not turned on up to that point in time – pops on. It is vivid color and it was a SONY instrument.

I turned my head toward the television as bright color was emanating all around out of the screen into the room. It was more like a full 3-D event in the room was now taking place – wild technology. I was now in the set itself as it was projected out into the room.

Again, I turned toward the phone – like in a matrix dream – I said, „What time is it?” A voice on the other end of the phone stated clearly and rather forcefully, „It is time for Jeremiah 33:3” („Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”).

While I heard this voice on the other end of the phone, I realized the TV Show that I was now enveloped in was called „Extreme Make Over.”

I was caught in the visual images projecting out of the screen – I seemed to even be helping write the script… In the television show we went into a „Room for Supernatural Change.” It was a changing room. It was rather vulnerable in the changing room. People were disrobing in front of others and yet it was a requirement and all was pure and clean – there was nothing sensual about it at all. Yet I was uncomfortable at first. Naked. Vulnerable. In the changing room with others!

Then I got used to the idea. I thought to myself, „Oh, this is what is required to go through change. You have to shed one garment in order to put on another one.” The atmosphere was permeated with a fresh culture – one of TRUST and RISK.

I realized it was another parable. The place of rest is the precondition that must be met to prepare you for the supernatural change. If you want to go into the changing room without fear – you must learn to rest. Then you can arise – hear a fresh call – enter into a renewed culture of TRUST and RISK and have faith to be vulnerable.

You will have to take off the garment you presently know (sorry, no layers are allowed!) – and go into supernatural change. You have to answer the call. But yet there is a call within the call. The call says to „Call upon Him. He will then show you (as with the television) great and mighty things that you have not previously known.”

Then a doorbell rings. I wake up. I did not know I was asleep let alone that I was dreaming. I look at my watch to see „what time it is.” It is now 5:40 PM. Time to leave for the 6 PM meeting. I then hear a knock on my door – I say, „I will be right there.” I rush around to get ready in the natural – but inside I knew I was prepared with the fresh download I had just been given on „what time it is.”

James W. Goll

Tu esti locul meu de adapost!

U2 Yahweh

„Voi nu vreti sa va duceti?”

La un moment dat Isus le-a vorbit ucenicilor despre trupul si sangele Lui care sunt hrana si bautura – IOAN 6 :32-71 – O parte dintre ucenici nu au putut digera acea invatatura si L-au parasit pe Isus. Banuiesc ca majoritatea dintre noi i-am fi oprit si le-am fi spus : „Stati putin, o sa va explic mai pe larg ceea ce am vrut sa spun, nu trebuie sa va suparati din cauza a ceea ce am spus, poate ati inteles gresit, poate ati exagerat ceea ce am vrut sa zic, de fapt am vrut sa zic ca….”  Si totusi Isus nu a facut asta, o parte importanta din echipa Lui L-a parasit si El nu a facut nici un efort de a impaca lucrurile, de a-i tine langa El. Mai mult de atat, s-a uitat spre cei 12 ucenici si le-a zis:  „Voi nu vreti sa va duceti?” (Ioan 6:67)

Bunul simt a lui Isus nu se potriveste deloc in multe situatii cu bunul simt al nostru. Uneori e nevoie de autoritate, de verticalitate, in felul asta scapi de persoanele din jur care de fapt sunt niste oportunisti care nu vor sa plateasca nici un pret, a caror aliere cu tine tine doar de dispozitia lor de moment sau de interesul de moment. Uneori e bine sa spui cele mai radicale lucruri de care esti in stare si sa faci curatenie in jur, cei care sunt legati de tine cu mai mult decat interesul de moment, iti vor ramane alaturi, iar restul vor pleca.

Prophetic words for 2011 – Cindy Jacobs – Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders

The Year of Transitions

This will either be a year of open heavens or a year of the perfect storm.

The number 11 has the Biblical meaning of transitions. 2011 is the year where we are transitioning from one place to another. Where we will end up at the end of this time depends, in many regards, on how we respond to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

2011 will be a year of great pressure and stress, particularly, the first three months when it will seem as if we are in a toe-to-toe battle with the forces of evil.

This is a Tipping Point Year

If, in the middle of the pressure of the season, we faint and lose heart, the scale will tip away from us and there is a possibility of great loss and defeat.

The Year of the Straits

The number 11 can be likened to places in the earth such as the Straits of Gibraltar between Spain and Morocco. We will, at times, feel constricted, but the narrowing of the way will only cause us to go to the new place that God has for us in the season if we do not fail the test during the pressure.

The Birth Canal

Another analogy that the Lord gave us was the number 11 is like a birth canal. The baby being born is going from the comfort of the womb to the stress and discomfort of being born into a new, large life.

Dreaming Dreams

Joseph shared his dreams with his 11 brothers; represented by 11 stars in Genesis 37:9 and it caused great relational stress. God will pour out a season of dreams and visions this year even among the very young. Watch out for relational stress and keep your heart right in the middle of it.

The Year of Great Expectations

Expect the unexpected in this coming year.

Hebrews 11:11 is key: By faith, Sarah herself also received strength to conceive seed, and she bore a child when she was past the age, because she judged Him faithful who had promised.

Expect a miracle! God wants to break the barrenness in your life of hope deferred. Many have given up on their dreams and downsized what they believe for because of the times. God’s Kingdom is an ever-increasing Kingdom and He is for advance and not retreat.

This is not a time to compromise what God has said to you, but rather to believe that all things are possible. God is not a man that He would lie. If He said he would do something, He has not changed His mind.

A Time of Preparation, Going Deeper into God and Intimacy

New assignments will be passed out in this year of transition for those who do not draw back in the season of testing and fire. Go deeper in God and draw refreshing from His presence and you will make it to your new place of advancement and anointing.

Proverbs 20:5: Knowing what is right is like deep water in the heart; a wise person draws from the well within.

Creative Miracles

The level of the miraculous will increase with the Creator loosing miracles of creation that will directly oppose the spirits of humanism and intellectualism.

The Restoration of the Tabernacle of David

Great emphasis will be upon worship again this year. Worship is the key! Many new 24-hour houses of worship will spring up across the world and result in an open heaven over nations and many souls saved. It is harvest time!

Acts 15:16-17: After this I will return and will rebuild the tabernacle of David, which has fallen down; I will rebuild its ruins, and I will set it up; So that the rest of mankind may seek the Lord, even all the Gentiles who are called by My Name, says the Lord who does all things.

Great Harvest of those in the Arts/Entertainment Field

Extraordinary moves of God will occur in the entertainment and motion picture industry. Bold, new, unashamed voices will arise and many will listen to their testimonies.

Continuarea AICI

Lipsa responsabilitatii

Se pare ca tendinta unui procent mare dintre bisericile de la noi este de a ne indruma tacit spre adoptarea unui mod de viata in care sa nu existe simtul responsabilitatii, desi aparent se predica responsabilitatea. Putem sa ii punem lui Dumnezeu in carca toate nereusitele noastre, toate esecurilor noastre, toate urmarile caracterului nostru uneori de doi lei. Avem mare sansa cu Dumnezeu ca putem sa ne scoatem basma curata in fata oamenilor. Cand ceva nu reuseste pentru ca noi suntem de vina, nu trebuie sa fim responsabili, sa tratam lucrurile intr-un mod responsabil, e foarte la indemana sa presupunem sau chiar sa credem ca asa au trebuit sa stea lucrurile, ca asta a fost calculul si voia lui Dumnezeu.

Din moment ce teologia noastra ne spune ca Dumnezeu controleaza totul, atunci ne vine foarte bine o astfel de scuza, ne-am scos de tot, nimeni nu poate sa spuna ca nu ar fi asa. Doar ca Dumnezeu ne-a dat o vointa libera pe care nu ne-o manipuleaza, vointa noastra chiar e libera, e controlata doar de noi, nu de El, El ne da vointa, ne da toate instrumentele pentru a face lucrurile bune, dar la urma urmei noi suntem responsabili de ceea ce facem, firea noastra, orgoliul nostru, sunt responsabile de esecurile pe care le avem. Bineinteles ca mai e si diavolul prin preajma, dar cred ca in mare masura incurcaturile din viata noastra sunt generate de firea noastra.

Ar fi tare bine sa nu Il mai bagam pe Dumnezeu in probleme care nu Il privesc, la urma urmei e vorba de firea noastra si de diavol care se foloseste de firea noastra. Dumnezeu nu are nici o treaba cu comportamentul tau de doi lei, nu El te-a impins sa faci ce ai facut ca sa ruinezi lucrurile, tu ai facut singur ce ai facut pt ca te-au impins nervii, orgoliul, mandria sau frica. Sa-L lasam pe Dumnezeu in pace cand e vorba de esecurile noastre, El poate interveni in poveste doar cand va fi vorba de pocainta adevarata sincera, cand vom vrea sa avem o inima curata si cand vom invata sa purtam crucea, cand vrem schimbarea, vindecarea si eliberarea Lui.

Si daca nu Dumnezeu e de vina pentru esecurile noastre, ar fi tare bine sa fim responsabili si sa ne vedem bubele, sa nu ne ascundem dupa deget, ci sa infruntam adevarul, nu e usor dar adevarul te face liber, oricat de dureros ar fi pentru fire sa se confrunte cu adevarul.